Digital marketing ideas for 2019

We haven’t yet turned the page in our calendars to 2019, but for digital marketers, the change is very much upon us. We’ve mentally popped the champagne cork on another year and are looking forward to what 2019 has in store.
If 2018 was all about grabbing attention with influencers and live video, 2019 will be all about personalising the experience and making each and every customer feel like the only one. Following on from our 2018 digital marketing predictions, here are some of the ideas that are set to dominate in 2019.


Quality Streets might’ve given us magic moments, but 2019 will be all about micro-moments. With more of us reaching for mobile devices to complete everyday tasks, it follows that marketers would eventually find a way to make the most of this. Mobile has effectively rewritten the rules for how marketers need to perform. While mobile devices may have refined and streamlined processes for consumers, it has also added a layer of complexity to the marketing challenge. Customers want quick and accurate answers from the companies they trust.

How much is this item?
Where can I find one close to me?
When is this store open tomorrow?

Customers want accurate and reliable information on-demand. Being able to fulfil this demand is the key challenge for marketers.

Visibility through native ads

Intrusive advertising is over. Consumers no longer want to see aggressive pop-ups and full-page takeovers. Native advertising is the way to get attention in 2019. Smart digital marketers will look for ways to meet customers on their own terms and greet them with advertisements that blend into the background.
Whether the native ads take the form of advertorials, search advertising or sponsored listings. Getting this right in 2019 could be the key to successful online marketing.

Visual storytelling

Connecting with audiences through visual storytelling took off in 2018 and is only set to get bigger in 2019. If you want to connect with your audience on an emotional level, video content is the way to go. Integrating high-quality video content into your digital marketing strategy in 2019 will be essential for success.
The data doesn’t lie, and with 1.56 billion active users watching 8 billion videos every day, can you afford to miss out on this particular trend?

The rise of smart content

Personalisation and smart content are set to expand in 2019. This will ultimately be an expansion of the content marketing trend. Instead of trying to cater to everyone, content will be tailored to individuals.
How would this work exactly? A new user landing on your website should have a very different experience to that of a returning user. From displaying different offers to adapting the content to their location, personalisation is all about giving every customer a unique experience.
Creating and executing smart content is one of the best ways to address the needs of each buyer persona. If your marketing strategy is yet to address the importance of well-defined buyer personas, then 2019 might be the time to give it some thought.