How to start a vlog for your business (and why you need one)

Vlogging can take many forms. You can create live videos from events, you can record pre-scripted vlogs, you can ad-lib your vlogs or you can create videos from blog posts. Why is this even necessary? The main reason is that this is what your audience wants. 

According to one study, 59% of executives said that they would rather watch a video than read text. Think about it. If you land on a highly technical B2B website and want to quickly get to grips with what they do, are you going to want to read pages and pages of text?

Of course not! 

It would be far easier if you could watch an introductory video that summarises the company in just a few minutes.

That’s not to say that you should do away with all of the text on your website and replace it with videos. High quality written content still has value for SEO. But from a user experience perspective, there is value in offering your visitors a choice.

It’s all very well saying that we want to start using video, but where does that video content come from? If you’re serious about making vlogging a key part of your business, read on to find out how to start a business vlog, and why you need one…

How to start a business vlog

If you’ve decided you want to start using video in your marketing strategy, it’s important to formalise the process so it doesn’t become fragmented or lacklustre. Vlogging needs input from many different departments, including sales, marketing, design and senior management. Before you start your business vlog, answer the following questions.

  • What do you hope to achieve (KPIs)?
  • How will video fit into your wider marketing strategy?
  • Where will you host the videos?
  • Can you commit to a vlogging schedule?
  • Who will be responsible for creating and then sharing the videos?

Even the most spontaneous vlogs you see online have a lot of planning and foresight behind them. As with all marketing activities, it’s important to decide how you will track your return on investment, or it could quickly become an expensive waste of resources.

How to record a video blog

How you create your vlogs will all depend on the video content. If you plan to get in front of the camera and talk, it’s wise to invest in an external microphone. This will prevent ambient noise from becoming too distracting. It will also ensure your voice is clear and easy to understand. A simple external microphone or lapel microphone should suffice.

You should also think about the setting. Choose a quiet spot with natural light. Smaller rooms are better as this will limit the reverb and produce better sound quality. You don’t need fancy recording equipment to get started. If you have a fairly recent camera phone, you should be able to use this with a tripod. If you have access to a DSLR, this is another great option. Just make sure you don’t rely on the internal microphone.

Tips for your first CEO vlog

If you’re going to be the face of the company, there are a few things you should think about before getting behind the camera.

  • Have a rough script in place before you get started. A few talking points will help you to keep the momentum going.
  • Don’t be too worried about getting it all in one take. It’s very common for vloggers to edit their videos to remove the “umms” and “errs”.
  • Structure your vlog like a blog post. You should offer a teaser, go into further detail, offer  a breakthrough moment and then give your call to action.
  • Don’t be afraid to have personality.

Why you should be turning your articles into vlogs

Another great way to use video content for your business is to repurpose your blog content. By offering your visitors an alternative way to consume your content, you’re giving them more reasons to stay on your website. 

Auburn recently announced a great new business vlogging service where we will help you to create incredible video content that doesn’t require you to get in front of the camera. If you want to enjoy the benefits of video but aren’t sure where to get started, this is a great option for you. Click here to find out more about our vlogging studio and see our work in action.